Dress Code
Dress Code
CMDA’s dress code is enforced throughout the year. This dress code helps the teachers to see the student’s alignment and body positions. This also adds discipline and unity in a classroom, which makes for a harmonious environment.
If you go to our website www.cmdanceacademy.com, you will see a link on our homepage (and under the dress code tab.) to our Storefront. This allows you to purchase all of the required items in one place. Simple, Easy and Affordable. If you choose to shop elsewhere, PLEASE make sure you get the mandatory dress code items. Twinkle Star Dance Program students are required to purchase the Tutu and Twinkle Bear. These items can be purchased in our studio or online through our storefront.
- No jewelry is to be worn at any time. This includes necklaces, earrings, rings and large hair accessories. Please leave all valuables at home. Central Mass Dance Academy is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Hair must be in a neat and tightly fastened. A ballet bun should be worn for ballet class. Ponytails with all hair pulled back are acceptable for all other classes.
Parents please help out with this rule.
- All body piercings must be covered at all times and must be taken out at the recital and competitions if they are in a place that can be easily seen.
- Street clothing in any class (hip hop excluded) will not be accepted! This includes warm up suits, tank tops, shorts, and sweat pants. Ballet sweaters are permitted in colder months for ballet barre and warm-up only!
- Good hygiene is absolutely necessary! We are in a high bacteria, close environment so all students should practice good hygiene habits. Tights and leotards need to be washed after being worn to class, and always come in with tissues and deodorant.
Lost & Found
Please make sure all items, especially dance shoes and bags, have dancers’ names on them. The office will have a lost & found box in the lobby; these items will be given away if not claimed in 30 days.
Inclement Weather
Dance class does not follow public school schedule. Classes may be held even if school was cancelled. If you are unsure if there is class at the studio please either call, or check our website www.cmdanceacademy.com, or Facebook and Twitter. An automated voice message will be sent out also informing you of cancelled classes. There will be no refunds or credits for snow days, those classes can however be made up.
Handouts/Social Media
We will make every effort to make sure that everyone is aware of what is happening at the studio. Please check your child’s dance bag daily as there may be important notices in there about upcoming events.
We also use the following systems
- Every flyer we send home is posted at the studio in numerous spots.
- We have numerous “chalkboard walls” make sure to check them daily/weekly.
If you do not come into the studio often or at all we have the following systems to help keep you informed
- Facebook Dance Studio Page: like us on Facebook to receive all of the current updates.
- Follow us on Twitter: @cmdanceacademy
- Dance Mom Crew Page: a private page for the studio moms and dads to ask questions and get immediate answers without calling the studio.
- If you do not have Facebook, no worries, we have created a faux account Jane Dance. Login is: [email protected]. Password: dancemomcrew. You will be able to login like the Facebook CMDA page and look at the Dance Mom Crew.
- Please make sure the best and current phone numbers are registered at the studio, we began using TUTUCAST which is essentially that; an automated calling system that will call you, email you or text message you. It will be used this year to remind you of upcoming performances, due dates, reminders and studio closings. MAKE SURE YOUR PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL IS CURRENT.
- Email any day anytime: if you have any questions you are unsure about please feel free to email [email protected]
- Our Website will have all of the dates and times for each upcoming event, school closings, and other important information.